FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Content Management System

  • What is a CMS?

    Content management systems are comprehensive site management utilities that are becoming increasingly popular amongst webmasters. In the past, site management was a complex process that required advanced training, diligence, technical knowledge and internet experience. Now complete novices are building, organizing and maintaining large web sites with no formal training, and nothing more than a basic hosting account.

    Content management systems are literally revolutionizing the way the internet is being developed, by giving webmasters convenient access to tools and resources needed for efficient site administration. While some web site owners still code pages in HTML and upload files manually to their web server, it is becoming quite obvious that using a content management system is much easier and faster.

    With a user-friendly interface you can control nearly every aspect of your web site. If you are having difficulty updating your site one page at a time using an FTP client, or you simply need a solution that is suitable for the novice webmaster, then you may want to consider using a content management system. Most modern site owners use a CMS to maintain their web sites, so if you are trying to compete on the internet you may want to consider doing the same as well. They are incredibly useful and usually included for free with nearly every web hosting plan.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What are the advantages of CMS?

    One of the most advantageous aspects of content management systems is the ability to quickly create web sites with no programming or web design skills. In fact, there are plenty of webmasters that are building and operating dozens of web sites without any previous technical knowledge or web development experience. With content management systems like WordPress it has never been easier to design and manage multiple web sites.

    Every day new themes and templates are created and shared online for free. These templates are actually entire site designs that can be applied to a site with a click of the mouse. One of the interesting features of every content management system is their ability to change the design of an entire web site without affecting the content of the pages and posts. You can even test out new designs and create your own custom themes without having to worry about losing data or disrupting the site's content in any way.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What CMS should I choose?

    Choosing the right content management system can be crucial towards the success of your web site. In the world of online business productivity is everything. If you are constantly held down by the burden of administrative duties and mundane site management tasks then you will be unable to focus on the planning and progression of your business. There are many content management systems available at the moment - WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc.

    If you are not familiar with internet technology and you are intimidated by the prospect of managing a site, then you may want to consider starting with a simple CMS like WordPress. It is by far the simplest CMS to use. Even though WordPress was originally a blogging platform, it has quickly become the most commonly used CMS in the world. The overwhelming popularity of Wordpress has also led to the development of countless plugins that enhance its capabilities. In fact, Wordpress has more plugins than any other content management system by far! If you are a new webmaster and you would like to become familiar with content management systems, then you should definitely consider using Wordpress first.

    Drupal and Joomla are more advanced content management systems that is often used by developers with extensive administrative requirements.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How do I manage content with CMS?

    Content management systems are unique management platforms that can be used to complete a variety of administrative actions. However, the main functionality of every CMS is content management. Within the centralized control interface you can write, edit, organize, categorize, schedule, and publish content within a single user-friendly platform. The first step in managing content with a content management system is content development.

    Content management systems like WordPress have plugins that can be used to enhance content during the writing process. Using a WYSIWYG editor within WordPress is perhaps the easiest way to develop site content. You can even preview your posts and pages before publishing them. Once the posts are published they can be edited and organize at a later date.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What are CMS plugins?

    Plugins are absolutely crucial toward the success of any web site that is being managed using a content management system. Plugins are basically software enhancements that improve the functionality of your CMS. Wordpress is famous of having an exhaustive library of plugins available that cover virtually every facet of site management and marketing. Plugins such as the Platinum SEO pack and the WP Super Editor plugin are central to many online operation sand projects. Without the addition of such plugins many sites would fail to have the rich content they currently offer their visitors. If you want higher search engine rankings and a better looking professional web site then you will need access to the best plugins for your content management system.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30

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