FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Space and Bandwidth

  • What is disk space?

    Disk space is the amount of storage space allocated to your website, server or server partition, which can be used by your website. Having adequate disk space is very important because it directly affects the total size limits of your site or network of sites. If you want to continuously update your web sites with new content and steadily build your online empire, then you will definitely need a plethora of bandwidth.

    For example, if you have 20 GB of disk space allocated to your web hosting plan, then the amount of files on your web site cannot exceed this amount of data. When you run out of disk space you will be unable to update your site with new content, which means the progression of your online endeavors will come to a complete halt. Since updating your site is a very important part of building traffic levels and keeping your visitors returning you will need to make sure you have an adequate amount of bandwidth available at all times.

    Disk space is often displayed on all hosting plan sales pages. Disk space is extremely important because it directly affects how much data can be stored on your web server at any point in time.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How much disk space do you need?

    To find out how much disk space you need, you'll need to learn a little bit about file sizes. If you don't feel like reading a book about various file types and how much space they consume on a web server, then you can simply use your computer's hard drive as a reference.

    For example, download a web page from the internet, and then take note of the file size of that web page. Now simply multiply that file size to realize the amount of disk space consumed to host thousands of similar pages. You should also consider multimedia content as well, such as videos and movies. Videos can range in size greatly depending upon whether they are a clip or an entire movie.

    It is best to assess your disk space needs before you purchase your web hosting plan by estimating how big your site will be within the foreseeable future. If needed, you can upgrade your hosting plan; however, your goal is to make the site creation process simple and hassle-free. By having a plan with adequate disk space, you remove the need to upgrade unnecessarily.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How can disk space limitations affect my site?

    Disk space limitations are extremely important because they affect how much content your sites can host. For example, if you have a large website with thousands of files, you may be consuming a lot of disk space. If you were to run out of disk space, you would be unable to update your site, and your site performance would decrease.

    Now, of course, at this point, you could update to another hosting plan; however, the time wasted and the amount of dissatisfied visitors will have already taken its toll. It is very important to choose a web hosting plan that will be able to accommodate your site's disk space needs.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What happens when disk space limits are reached?

    When a web server runs out of disk space all sites being hosted on that server begin to suffer. No new content can be added to the sites until some new disk space is available. In order to facilitate this process the webmaster either has to begin deleting old posts on the site in an attempt to make room for new content, (similar to housekeeping an old storage shed), or the entire hosting plan needs to be upgraded (like buying a new storage shed). It is important to note that nothing can be added to your sites when there is no disk space available, including user comments and any other data. Fortunately, most web hosting companies send out warnings via email when the disk space limitations are being approached.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How much disk space do professional sites have?

    Professional webmasters understand the importance of adequate disk space, which is why most professional web sites have access to hundreds of gigabytes of data storage. With so many hosting plans to choose from, it can be difficult to compare each plan based on disk space alone. Instead, make sure you consider a variety of features, including bandwidth, when comparing several web hosting plans. Comprehensive hosting plans include about 100-350 GB of disk space, which is enough to hold several hundred full length movies, or hundreds of thousands of web pages.

    With web sites being updated on a regular basis, it can be easy to overwhelm the disk space allocated to your server rather quickly. To avoid the pesky limitations associated with disk space restrictions it is best to follow the actions of professional and successful sites by purchasing a comprehensive web hosting plan.

    If you plan on owning multiple websites, it is important to note that the resources of your web server will be spread amongst all of your sites. A powerful VPS hosting plan will offer about 200-250 GB of disk space, which is more than enough to host thousands of videos, songs and web pages.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How disk space differ between hosting plans?

    The primary difference in most hosting plans has to do with disk space and bandwidth. Those two factors are enough to heavily influence the capabilities of a web site or network of sites. If you want your site to perform ideally then you should consider using a web hosting plan with plenty of both of the aforementioned features.

    The effects of disk space limitations differ depending upon the kind of web hosting plan. For example, some hosting accounts will give you access to more disk space if it is needed, like VPS hosting. Shared web hosting, while cheap, also offers unlimited bandwidth. Shared web servers split up serer resources amongst hundreds of sites to give each site the unique advantage of being part of a network of servers.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How do I compare disk space?

    While it may seem as if you can simply look at the amount of disk space offered and make a quick judgment, this is not an accurate assessment. Some hosting plans claim to offer unlimited disk space, yet cost a fraction of a plan that places a limit on the disk space. Which one is best?

    In general, you don't want to compare unlimited plans with limited plans, simply because unlimited plans do not accurately depict your limitations. Simply put, unlimited hosting plans are actually quite limited in reality, especially when you read the fine print, but the vast majority of webmasters never reach those limits.

    Anyways, be sure you are not purchasing an exuberant amount of disk space.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What is bandwidth?

    Web hosting bandwidth is the measurement of data being transmitted through your web server at a given period of time.

    Having adequate bandwidth is very crucial to the success of your site because it will affect your site visitor's experience, especially when there are high traffic levels. Every visitor that views a page on your site is consuming bandwidth because they are downloading and uploading information to the web server. Thus, in order to accommodate high daily traffic levels you will need ample bandwidth. This is the primary reason why bandwidth is one of the two most important web hosting features to consider when shopping for a new plan.

    Bandwidth is perhaps the most important because it dictates how many visitors your website can handle during a single time period.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What are bandwidth limitations?

    Many web hosting plans do not come with unlimited bandwidth, which means there is a set limit that determines how much data can be downloaded and uploaded from the web server at any one time. Once this limitation is exceeded, pages will begin to freeze while loading and the site may even crash for hours at a time. Many people don't understand how easy it is to exceed the amount of bandwidth allocated to you, especially if you own a rapidly growing site.

    In other words, the amount of traffic that can visit your website at one point in time without decreased site performance is directly related to your bandwidth limitations. Bandwidth restrictions can have a great impact on the progression of a web site, so it is important to make sure you have adequate amounts of bandwidth available to your site before driving web traffic.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How is bandwidth measured?

    Bandwidth is simply a measurement of the amount of data being transferred at any particular period of time. To understand the limitations of bandwidth and how it is measured, you have to understand how data transfer works. If a file that consumes about 5MB of data is transferred from the web server to the visitor's computer at one point in time, then 5MB of bandwidth is being used at that time. However, if three people download that 5MB file at the same time, then 15MB of data is being transferred. Thus, if your hosting account only allows for 10MB bandwidth, in the above example, one of the visitors would have to wait because the bandwidth limitations would be exceeded at that moment in time.

    Web hosting plans usually start with bandwidth limits of about 100 MB. To put that into perspective, it would take just 40 people downloading a large file at a speed of 2.5 Mb/s at the exact same moment in time to exhaust the resources of that hosting plan.

    By measuring bandwidth, web hosting companies can accurately and effectively control their web servers and keep them operating smoothly. The way server resources are delegated after the limits are reached depends upon the type of web hosting. In VPS cloud hosting the hosting provider will pull resources from a network of servers and charge the webmaster for the excess bandwidth. If you are noticing that you are routinely exceeding your bandwidth limitations, then you may want to start comparing another web hosting plans for your next upgrade.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • What is a good amount of bandwidth?

    In general, bandwidth is one of the server resources of which you can never really have too much. In fact, most web hosting experts recommend that you have redundant bandwidth. Redundant bandwidth is bandwidth that is only used on rare occasions and is not necessarily needed on a consistent basis. However, by having a hosting plan with more bandwidth than you need at any given point in time, you'll be able to accommodate any level of traffic – such as when your website gets mentioned on the national news or makes the front page of Digg.

    Each web hosting plan differs depending upon the server type, the provider, and a variety of other factors. Cloud VPS hosting plans offer the most bandwidth to their customers, however any bandwidth that exceeds the monthly limits will be charged to that month's billing cycle. Dedicated web hosting plans also include a lot of bandwidth, however this bandwidth is usually readily available to the web server by default, and therefore is not billed on a per-usage basis.

    Many web hosting plans come with unlimited bandwidth, which is perfect for webmasters that cannot accurately predict how much traffic they will receive. If you are not sure how successful your website will be, then you may want to consider a plan that offers unlimited bandwidth, or minimally one that charges for bandwidth on a per-usage basis. Some plans will let you use as much bandwidth as you'd like and only charges you for the bandwidth you use. Always look for plans with unlimited bandwidth first, and if you ever have any questions regarding your bandwidth usage, be sure to ask your web hosting provider.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30
  • How much bandwidth do I need?

    The answer to this question depends entirely upon what kind of site you have and how much daily traffic you anticipate. It is important to note that sites with an abundance of multimedia content will often consume more bandwidth. This is because more data must be transferred instantaneously to stream videos or music to the visitor's computer.

    If you have a site with plenty of streaming content, and you foresee a high amount of daily visitors, then you will want a plan with excessive bandwidth. Hosting plans like VPS, dedicated and even reseller hosting plans are perfect for such sites.

    You may also need a lot of bandwidth if you have thousands of daily visitors, and/or plenty of page hits from each visitor. Every page that loads will consume bandwidth because it has to transfer data from the web server to the visitor's computer.

    01 Jan 2015 : 04:30

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